Standardization of SSMI Lean Six Sigma Qualification listing in Linkedin
When you are mentioning SSMI Lean Six Sigma qualification in your Linked-In profile kindly follow the below.
Listing your Credential next to your Name:
The credential abbreviation to be used next to your names would be as follows:
‘CLSSYB’ - Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt e.g. David Jones, CLSSYB
‘CLSSGB’ - Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt e.g. David Jones, CLSSGB
‘CLSSBB’ - Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Bet e.g. David Jones, CLSSBB
‘CMBB’ - Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt e.g. David Jones, CMBB
"ALSSP' - Applied Lean Six Sigma Practitioner e.g. David Jones, ALSSP
Please do not use these credentials till you complete your programme in full. It’s not ethical to carry the credentials when you
are half-way during the programme.
Adding your Qualification to the "Education" section:
Select: ‘Dr. Mikel J Harry Six Sigma Management Institute Asia’ from the dropdown list of Business Schools - The branch in which you enrolled for your Black Belt programme or followed your classroom sessions. Once you do this, your profile will be listed under the Alumni of ‘Dr. Mikel J Harry Six Sigma Management Institute Asia’ and will assist people to find your profile from SSMI Asia Company page.

List your full programme name – e.g. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification
Kindly mention the total number of hours of the programme followed. For example Black Belt programme is of 310+ hours and our Green Belt programme is of 200+ hours and our Yellow Belt programme is 130+ hours
Also refer to your classroom project and simulated project.
Mention you have completed or currently enrolled for the programme.
Grade : If you like you can mention your overall average (Optional)
Alumni : SSMI Asia Alumni
Listing your Qualification under "Accomplishments - Certifications":
Once you have listed Dr Mikel J Harry Six Sigma Management Institute Asia under education. Go to your Accomplishments section and click on Certifications.
Fill up the details as shown below. Please select ‘Six Sigma Management Institute by Dr Mikel J Harry’ from the list of certification authorities.
if you have followed our Belt programmes. This will list your profile among the SSMI, USA Alumni.
If it's an Applied Lean Six Sigma Certification, select 'Dr. Mikel J Harry Six Sigma Management Institute Asia' from the list of certification authorities.
Mention your certificate number given in your final certificate.