The body of knowledge associated with this program-of-study is organized into three primary segments; namely, Global Concepts, General Practices and Technical Practices. In terms of structure, each program segment is comprised of core topics. In turn, the topics are defined by competency-based training modules, where each module is comprised of instructional steps. Segment and topic titles are as follows:
Global Concepts
Training Orientation
Breakthrough Vision
Business Principles
Process Management
Installation Guidelines
Application Projects
General Practices
Value Focus
Lean Practices
Quality Tools
Basic Statistics
Continuous Capability
Discrete Capability
The Black Belt programme of study consist of approximately 160+ hours of training videos and content that can be completed within 4-6 months of online or blended study. However, particiapants can take up to 12 months to complete their programme.

The SSMI Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification programme is the purest form of White Belt training available in the world designed and delivered by the Co-creator of Six Sigma and National Best Selling Author Dr.Mikel J Harry with years of expertise.
The programme is delivered using short five to ten minute video clips in an OTES (over the expert's shoulder) teaching method, where the student receives all the training from the Dr.Mikel J Harry him self.
Most of today's Lean Six Sigma programmes are delivered by the 6th or 7th generation of practitioners, which has lead to inconsistency in programme delivery and misinterpretation. In contrast, SSMI Lean Six Sigma programme provides participants the correct understanding of the foundations and underlyining principals governing the subject.
The programme is developed with years of research and contains over 1500+ videos and hundreds of resources for participants to obtain mastery on Lean Six Sigma.
SSMI Lean Six Sigma programme is offerred on both fully Online using MindPro® training system and blended delivery methods. All participants upon completion of the programme can obtain their Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification personally signed by Dr. Mikel J Harry (Co-founder of Six Sigma and National Best Selling Author)
Programme Completion
To obtain your Lean Six Sigma Black Belt credential, you are required to complete the following two requirements.
Completion of online knowledge assessments at the end of each module (three attempts are provided)
Completion of Digital Training* project assessment OR submission of Live project based on project story board (on request)
* Participants have the option to execute a digital training project contained within MindPro®. post formal training. The simulated project provides each candidate with the opportunity to exercise all the key tools and methods, yet done so in the context of a life-like DMAIC project. In this way, candidates are able to practice their new skills in a controlled environment and then be evaluated on their efforts prior to being made responsible for the execution of a live on-the-job value-centric project.
Basic arithmetic skills are essential (i.e., be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and work with fractions and decimals). Basic computer skills are also essential. In this context, a rudimentary understanding of Excel is highly recommended, but not essential. Furthermore, a most rudimentary understanding of algebra is a plus, but not required.
Generally speaking, the successful completion of any undergraduate degree program will likely support the academic demands of this program. Previous knowledge and understanding on Lean Six Sigma application can be helpful.
A readiness assessment is freely offered at
Technical Practices
Hypothesis Testing
Confidence Intervals
Control Methods
Parametric Methods
Chi-Square Methods
Survey Methods
Nonparametric Methods
Experimental Methods
DFSS Methods
Measurement Analysis
Digital Training Project

Lean Six Sigma WHITE BELT Training & Certification